
SEO for CBD Companies 


SEO has to be a top priority if you’re looking to build a solid online presence for your CBD company because it gets results without using paid ads. Incorporating excellent SEO practices into your website can help boost its organic rankings on search engines like Google. 

This will position your company to earn more money and reach more customers. This is especially important as CBD sales are growing every year, giving your company a chance to reach larger audiences quicker. 

But your competitors know this too, so they’re using every advantage they can get to grow their market share in the CBD sector. This article will share how to get your business positioned for success with SEO. 

We’ll cover a range of handy tips you can implement straight away so that you can benefit immediately from reading our content. But first, we’ll cover why it’s crucial to implement best practices with SEO.

SEO for CBD Companies 

Why SEO is Vital for Success in the CBD Market

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s a process that businesses undertake to rank higher on search engine results pages. These are known as SERPs for short. The better your SEO is, the higher your page will appear for the keywords used on your website. SEO can enable your brand to appear on page 1 of Google if it’s done right and you’re consistent with it over time. 

If you’re a relatively new business in the CBD space without a significant marketing budget, then organic traffic generation and website promotion is the only way to go. But it’s not worth wasting time on SEO strategies that don’t work. That’s why we’ll only be mentioning the ones that do. 

5 Key SEO Tips to Boost Your Business and Rank far Higher

Follow the E.A.T Rules

EAT is an acronym short for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google ranks websites based on many variables. These are three major ones still in use today. It’s used to evaluate whether the content on your website is practical and actionable. Can users make it benefit them, or is it just filler that provides no meaningful input? 

To ensure your content is EAT-ready, stick to the truth and back up your claims with good links to verifiable sources. If you do that, Google will see that your content is something readers can rely on and will factor that into your overall ranking.

For CBD content, you can link to websites like medical journals, popular CBD blogs written by those who use it for medicinal purposes, and similar resources.

Insert Meta Titles and Descriptions for all Pages

When a webpage appears in search results, it has a highlighted title you can click on and a few lines of text below. The former is the Meta Title and the latter is the Meta Description. The title should be short and accurate. The description should briefly cover what the page includes. You can also think of these as a headline and subheading. 

Keep Producing Future-Proof Content 

Future-proof content is blogs, articles, posts, or other typed materials that will educate readers long into the future. If it’s going to be irrelevant in a month or two, then it’s not going to get many clicks after that. If it’s filled with nuggets of information that are useful for years to come, it has staying power and will draw in more visitors. 

When you produce this kind of content regularly, ensuring it’s EAT-ready, you’ll find it boosts your rankings. Websites with regular content uploads are viewed favorably by Google. So make sure to keep pushing out insightful but future-proof articles regularly.

This also draws in more traffic over time because people will keep finding your content, particularly if it answers popular questions that people in the CBD niche want answers to. 

Rely on Non-Competing Keyword Phrases

There are two main types of keywords, long-tail, and short-tail. Long-tail keywords contain multiple words while short-tail keywords are often a single word. Long-tail keywords can also be termed keyword phrases. Longer keywords have a lower search volume, which means fewer people are typing them into Google. 

At first, this may seem like bad news, but there’s an upside. These keywords are specific and targeted, meaning you can pick out topics featuring them much more easily. If you use the keywords correctly in content and make sure you don’t engage in keyword stuffing, you’ll get results faster. 

Provide a Decent Number of Internal Links in all Posts 

When Google analyzes your website to determine its ranking, it will look at the congruency and connectedness of your website. This means how well all of the pages link together and whether the content relates to a central theme. Placing links to pages on your website within your content encourages readers to engage more with your site and remain on the website for longer.

When this happens, search engines like Google develop an algorithmic understanding of your website, which helps determine its value. Including appropriate links can also play a role in directing readers to the parts of your site you most want them to see. 

For a CBD business, you might want them to read product reviews of what’s in your online store, or you might want them to subscribe to a newsletter containing regular CBD offers you make to your email list, or visit your local CBD business

Getting the Most out of SEO for CBD 

Combining these 5 tips over the next few months will give your CBD company a headstart or take it to the next level if it’s already established. These rules apply universally, so no matter what your CBD business covers (e.g. dispensary), these SEO best practices will yield results if applied appropriately. 

You can also test these one at a time and measure the results that you get from each one. For your keyword choices and website structure, some of these tips may work more effectively than others. As long as you track the numbers and keep testing, you’ll see your results improve. 

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